Export a table in Affinity

Affinity apps import ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) formats/pallets.

From Coraye, export the table in Adobe Creative .ase format

By right-clicking, you will have access to the export functionalities.
Select "Export"


A new window appears Select the ".ase" icon


Give a name before saving your file (eg: My Color Table.ase)

Export ase.png

Then save your file locally

Export ase 2.png

Importing the .ase color chart into Affinity

Affinity apps import ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) formats/pallets. To import them go to the Swatches panel, click on the small menu icon at the top right of the panel and select Import Palette..., then the desired palette type (document/application or system palette) and finally select it. ase file from the dialog box that will open.

Import ase Affinity.gif