Color Finder

Color Finder helps you find one color among thousands of others! Let's learn how to use it.


Do you need to find the color closest to your reference swatch, among the colors of a PANTONE®, RAL® guide or a custom guide, such as a color guide on fabric, vinyl or leather?

If so, Color Finder is the tool for you.
In addition to giving you the closest color, it will quantify the difference between the reading color and the color closest to your guide (Delta E).

In this example we will be using a PANTONE® spot color table.
To use this PANTONE spot color table, ® you must be licensed to use it.

The best way to get it is to purchase a PANTONE® Formula Guide.
With each one, you will have a code to download the PANTONE® Color Book in digital format with the PANTONE® COLOR MANAGER software.

How to use Color Finder to find a color in a guide

First of all, you must import your color table in a format compatible with Coraye (.cxf, .aco, .acb, .ase, csv, .qtx or .table) and the colors previously read with Color Reader (. spc).
Drag and drop them from the folder to the left column.


Now select the spot color and drag the color table from the left bar to the location of the color table in the lower right area.


The color closest to the guide will appear in the " Near Color " area and the Delta E between the measured color and the found color will be displayed below.

This feature can be useful for knowing which color is closest in a guide such as RAL® or PANTONE®.

But it can also be useful to control the color in a quality control process.

You can also create your own vinyl, fabric or leather color guide to find the right color for any type of application.
