Recently Updated Pages
Create a baseline from a spot color swatch
The "Spot Colors" option of the Print Control allows you to check the color reproduction accuracy...
Create a reference from the values of an imported range
Just as it is possible to validate a proof with a standardized gamut, it is also possible to chec...
Create a baseline from a custom RGB or CMYK color table
As part of quality control, you need to control certain colors in a print.Coraye allows you to cu...
Editing tolerances
As part of a quality control, it is necessary to define tolerances for the print run to be valida...
Print Control - Introduction
Quality control is obviously essential to guarantee your customers the regularity and reliability...
Create a color table from a spot color chart measurement
The best way to master the spot colors reproduced by your printing system is to print them, measu...
Create swatches containing reproducible colors in print
To avoid any conflicts between the different players in the graphics chain, why not create colo...
Example of using a color table with Photoshop
The interest of creating color charts from samples of materials such as fabrics, leathers, plasti...
Delta Finder
This tutorial explains how to compare two colors.For example a measured color and a Pantone value...
Control of an illuminant
Illum Reader is a function that analyzes light.Its purpose is to check the quality of your ligh...
Customization of charters
If the standard pattern format does not suit you, Coraye allows you to customize your chart to su...
Remote assistance
The Coraye support team uses Google's remotedesktop to provide support. Chrome Remot...
Interface presentation
Before starting to use your Coraye software, we invite you to a presentation of its graphical int...
Installation on Windows
In this chapter we will discuss the installation of Coraye on Mac OS Download the CORAYE softwar...
Getting started with Coraye
After creating your account and activating your license, we will discuss the chapters on installi...
Support and Download
Downloads of the latest versions of CORAYE software and Plugins (Spectrophotometers and color eng...
Barbieri LFP qb
La table Barbieri est une solution haut de gamme pour effectuer des mesures sur des médias transp...
Delta Finder
Ce tutoriel explique comment comparer deux couleurs. Par exemple une couleur mesurée et une valeu...
Bereiten Sie eine Farbkarte für den Metallic-Druck vor
Haben Sie eine Maschine, die mit der Tinte "Metallic Silver" drucken kann?So erstellen Sie mit Co...
Bereiten Sie das Drucken und Schneiden einer Farbkarte vor
Dieses Tutorial beschreibt die verschiedenen Schritte, um die Dateien zum Drucken und Schneiden I...